
Machine Learning

  Machine Learning  is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. It focuses on developing algorithms and models that can identify patterns, make predictions, and solve complex problems. Types of Learning : Supervised Learning : Models are trained on labeled data (e.g., predicting house prices). Unsupervised Learning : Models identify patterns in unlabeled data (e.g., clustering customer segments). Reinforcement Learning : Models learn by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback (e.g., training robots or game-playing AI). Difference between hyperparameter and parameter

Cyber Security

  Cyberspace   refers to the virtual environment created by interconnected computer systems and networks, where communication, data exchange, and online activities take place. It is a digital realm that transcends physical boundaries, enabling individuals, organizations, and governments to interact, share information, and conduct transactions in real-time. Key features of cyberspace include: Global Connectivity : It connects people and devices worldwide through the internet. Digital Communication : Platforms like email, social media, and messaging apps facilitate instant communication. Information Sharing : Cyberspace serves as a vast repository of knowledge, accessible through websites, databases, and cloud storage. E-commerce and Services : Online shopping, banking, and streaming services thrive in this space. Security Challenges : Cybersecurity is critical to protect against threats like hacking, data breaches, and malware. Cyberspace has revolutionized how we live, work, a...


Client-Server Architecture Client-server architecture, a model prevalent in computer networks, involves a central server, also referred to as the host computer, acting as the hub for multiple clients, or remote processors, that initiate service requests. Using the interface provided by client computers, users can request services from the server and observe the corresponding responses. Servers await client requests before providing replies. A client, any machine sending a request to the server, can be illustrated when visiting a website. In this scenario, the user is the client making the request. In client-server architecture, a central server (or host computer) serves as the focal point for various clients (or distant processors), while the server itself processes and responds to client requests. In the website example, the client requests the webpage, and the server delivers it in response. Operation of the Client-Server System When a client seeks data from a server, it first uses ...

FOC - E02

Linux Network and Process Management  In Linux, a process is an active program running under a unique Process ID (PID), having its own allocated resources. Processes can be in different states: Running: Actively executing code. Ready: Awaiting CPU time in a queue. Sleeping: Temporarily paused, waiting for an event or process. Stopped: Halted intentionally by user or system. Zombie: Completed but not yet cleaned up.   To manage processes: Use "ps" to view a list of running processes. "ps aux" for a detailed system-wide process list. "ps aux | grep username" to filter by username. View detailed process info with "/proc/PID/status." "top" provides real-time process monitoring. "kill" command stops a process (e.g., "kill <PID>"). For system services, use "systemctl" (e.g., "sudo systemctl status service_...

FOC - E01

LINUX FILE SYSTEM One essential part of the operating system is the Linux file system. It offers a hierarchical data management and organization system. Root Directory: The root directory ("/") is the top-level directory in the Linux file system. Files and subdirectories are found in directories. Data management: Linux file system maintains metadata, sizes, creation dates, and file names. It is responsible for ownership, security, and permissions.   Representation and Organization of Storage Resources: Disk space is allocated for files and directories. It also maintain Directory structure and store Metadata for each file. Pathnames: A pathname is a text string made up of one or more names separated by forward slashes(/) e.g: ./etc/ passwd,/var/log/auth.log, assignment 02 /check, etc. examples of pathnames: ●       /home ●       /etc/passwd ●       usr / wc ●     ...


  Basic Commands in Linux ls: It shows the files/directories in the current directory ls -R :It shows all the files not only in directories but also subdirectories. ls -al :Gives detailed information of the files ls -a: Shows all the hidden files cat: Used to display text files,copy ,combine, and create new text files Cat > file Add content crtl + d to return rm: Removes files from the system without confirmation. mv: Move file to a different directory. mv commands needs super user/ root user. sudo - allow a regular user to run programs with the security privileges of the super user or root user. mv: it can also used to rename files or directories mkdir: Creates sub directory in current directory. Syntax: mkdir directory name. To create directory inside other directory use mkdir /other directory name/new Directory rmdir: removes an empty directory. grep (global regular expression print)   :Used to search text in files and print that match...


 Introduction to Linux Linux  is an operating system and  Android is powered by the linux operating system.   OS is software that manages the communication between the software and its hardware. To manage files in Linux OS we can use : Terminal (Command Line Interface - CLI) File Manager (Graphical User Interface-GUI) Why do we use a Command-line Interface? Commands offer more options and are flexible. More commands to copy and upload files in GUI but in the case of CLI a single command can do it. CLI load fast and do not consume RAM like GUI. There are two ways to launch CLI on Ubuntu; Go to the Das and type terminal Or Press ctrl+alt+t   Once the CLI is launched the picture will be shown: First Part - user name. Eg: guru Second part - hostname. Eg:99  (Helps to identify a computer over the network). Third part - Computer name. Eg: VirtualBox Fourth part - Simple separator. Eg: " : " fift...