Basic Commands in Linux

ls: It shows the files/directories in the current directory

ls -R :It shows all the files not only in directories but also subdirectories.

ls -al :Gives detailed information of the files

ls -a: Shows all the hidden files

cat: Used to display text files,copy ,combine, and create new text files

Cat > file

Add content

crtl + d to return

rm: Removes files from the system without confirmation.

mv: Move file to a different directory.

mv commands needs super user/ root user.

sudo - allow a regular user to run programs with the security privileges of the super user or root user.

mv: it can also used to rename files or directories

mkdir: Creates sub directory in current directory.

Syntax: mkdir directory name.

To create directory inside other directory use mkdir /other directory name/new Directory

rmdir: removes an empty directory.

grep (global regular expression print)  :Used to search text in files and print that matches the given pattern.

History : Shows all the commands used in the past for the current terminal sessions.

clear : Clears all the clutter on the terminal. Refreshes the terminal display, removing previous content.

Text Editor

VI or VIM is a text editor designed for the terminal, suitable for creating various file types. You can initiate it using the <vi> or <vim> commands.

Nano is an alternative text editor already available for exploration. If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) text editor, you can opt for the built-in gedit software. To start it, simply use the <gedit> command. To open a specific file in gedit, use the command <gedit file_name>


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